Sales – Art or Science?

Life is made up of big questions. . . chicken or the egg? Super Man or Batman? Dog person or cat person? The debate over whether sales is truly an art or a science has been running for decades. At Conversion-omics Speakers and Consultants we believe successful sales professionals understand it is a perfect combination of both. When blended and configured correctly, the fusion between art and science results in a business that fosters selling.

The Science

The science side enables sales through the development and application of operational policies that can be monitored and measured. These processes help organizations track outcomes and influence the probability of success at each stage of the sales process. Scientific approaches include application of standardized tools, fact-based approaches to identifying areas needing change and the use of technology to deliver insight. Think spreadsheets, contact goals, and metrix.

The Art

The art side of sales covers how individuals apply the processes and tools to further relationship development during the sales process. These skills include visual branding, active listening, adaptability, trustworthiness, influencing behaviors, mirroring, leadership and how various elements interconnect and influence customer decisions. Picture a sharp dressed, engaging sales pro with positive attitude and a strong handshake.

A Beautiful Combination

Businesses of all shapes and sizes face numerous performance challenges. They need to understand changing customer needs, respond to fluctuating market conditions, support smart growth, and constantly improve profitability. The most successful organizations address these challenges by creating effective sales strategies and improve sales team performance through a combination of art and science. This starts with hiring the right people (art) and having a clearly defined sales process (science). Creating a truly motivational atmosphere (art) and tracking accomplishments against key performance indicators (science).

Competing in today’s market requires building superior capabilities in both the art and science of selling. When a company achieves the optimal balance between art and science it will fully leverage its sales capabilities and support the organization’s goals. It takes just the right about of time, talent, technology, and process to create a high-performing sales force.

Enhancing both art and science is not easy, but we can help.

Lynne Jensen-Nelson

Lynne Jensen-Nelson Founder, Conversion-omics Speakers & Consultants

Conversion-omics Speakers & Consultants is a full-service bureau equipped with expert speakers, trainers, and consultants. Offering keynote speakers, custom workshops, and business strategy all in one place, Conversion-omics takes the guesswork out of hiring a professional. Each talented team member has been vetted to ensure they have the knowledge, skills, and experience to meet your unique needs.

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