Jon Colby

Consultant, Keynote Speaker, Trainer

LOCATION - Indianapolis, Indiana

Want your event attendees to do more than just sit and listen? With Jon, they’ll be comfortable, connected, and creative! Jon Colby has been empowering people for over 25 years. From presenting to performing, his engaging, interactive approach has successfully helped audiences across the globe to be better communicators, leaders, teammates, salespeople, doctors, and even friends and family members.

Popular Programs

  • Emotional Intelligence in Action
  • 2-4-6-8! Who Do You Appreciate?
  • "Yes, and…" Improving Communication and Leadership Through Improv
  • What Are You Saying?
  • Leading with Compassion
  • Getting Real in Virtual Space

Professional Summary

As a graduate from the world-famous Second City Conservatory and an educator with 15 years of classroom experience, he has kept audiences, such as American Express, Honda, Salesforce, and Charles Schwab, laughing while sharing practical knowledge that they can put to use right away. You don’t just listen to him speak; you play.

“He was able to captivate every single person to participate, and did so by creating a fun and collaborative environment. A truly first-rate experience.”

Nick Bailey | Former President/CEO, Century 21

Areas of Expertise

  • Business Strategy
  • Business Consultant
  • Change Management
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Company Culture
  • Confidence
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Consultant
  • Customer Experience
  • DISC
  • Emcee and Moderator
  • Emotional Intelligence/EQ
  • Entertainment
  • Healthcare
  • Innovation
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Leadership
  • Male Speakers
  • Midwest Speakers
  • Motivation and Inspiration
  • Onboarding/Retention
  • Team Building
  • Youth and Schools
Lynne Jensen Award Winning Speaker

Need a Specific Topic?

Conversion-omics speakers will work collaboratively to create a custom topic to suit your audience or event needs specifically! All services are deliverable virtually, live stream or on-site. Contact us today and start creating your perfect presentation.